Stalled? Try these Tactics

Ever have one of those days (weeks? months?) when you sit and stare at your to-do list? The times when you go on line to look up one piece of information and thirty or forty five minutes dash by? The days you’d rather clean your desk than tackle your to-do’s? These, my friends, are stall tactics. Here’s a way to break the pattern.

Start small

Remember Newton’s law? An object in motion stays in motion and an object at rest – yes – stays at rest. Start! Take one item from your to do list and get it done. Complete one task – make one call  – send that one email that’s been nagging at you. Once you begin, you can take that positive movement – that inertia – and keep going!

Look for inspiration

As you may have noticed from my website, I’m a fan of quotations. I reference the likes of CS Lewis, Vince Lombardi, Eleanor Roosevelt, even the Buddha: they each have great things to say. Here’s what many have in common: it all starts with YOU. YOU have the power to change the trajectory of your career – to change the perspective others have of you – and to determine your priorities.  The late Jim Rohn notes that “success is nothing more than a few simple disciplines, practiced every day.”  Start. Now.

Track your success

My guess: you’ve probably accomplished more than you believe. What would your clients say? Your peers? Your team? Know that you have it in you to achieve whatever you set your mind to achieving. You’ve had multiple successes in the past: and another one is just around the corner! In another blog post, I talked about priorities. Tackle the things that are most important first. You’ll start the day with a win under your belt! At the end of each week, allow time to reflect on what you have accomplished. You’ll be surprised how quickly the successes build: day to day and week to week.


Purpose Driven Priorities


High Ropes and High Aspirations